Danielle is an accomplished entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and author. Danielle was born, raised, and currently resides in the state of Oklahoma with her five beautiful daughters.
Danielle is the CEO of Right Hand Assistance (est. 2012), a virtual executive assistance agency that assists CEOs, Presidents, Pastors, and leaders across the United States. She coaches aspiring female entrepreneurs on how to reclaim their identity and turn their mess into a message.
Danielle loves to speak and share her story of surviving trauma and to encourage others that they, too, can be successful despite life’s challenges.
Danielle believes "Many are called but few are chosen" (Matt. 22:14)and those that are chosen must use their "mess" to help others become their "best."
Danielle has authored and published six books: "The Overcomer: A Guide to Trading Ashes for Beauty" and "The 'D' Word" (a book to educate and comfort children through divorce), A healing journal for divorcees, a prayer journal, and two parenting journals. Additionally, she has co-authored a seventh book entitled
"A Woman's Guide to Setting A Blaze in Ministry,
Business, & Life." She is currently working on her autobiography and a women’s compilation book.
Danielle holds an Associate Degree in Practical Nursing, an Associate Degree in Enterprise Development, a Bachelor of Science, and a
Master of Education.
Danielle is a graduate of the Integrity's Leadership Institute and
Faith Arrow Ministries Hands-On Prophetic School.
Danielle has over 25 years of ministry experience that includes: Youth Pastoring, Deliverance Ministry, Women's Ministry Leader, Praise Team Captain, Children's Ministry Coordinator, Drama Ministry Leader, and Creative Director.
Dominion Discussions with Danielle
YouTube Channel, Facebook Platform, and Spotify Podcast discussing various kingdom topics and exploring the Word of God
DMarie Creatives
Graphics, Templates, and various creative deliverables sold through Etsy and Fiverr
God's O.R.D.E.R.
(Organizing Resources to Deliver Efficient Resources)
Administrative Curriculum and Resources to assist new ministries, non-profit organizations, and church plants with necessary administrative documents, systems, and SOPs
Your Spiritual Quarterback
Inspirational, strategic coaching for those that desire to turn their mess into a message